Should you have a will, or a trust? Do you need both? How do you ensure that a disabled loved one is cared for when you are gone- or now, if needed? Lori Nevias will answer all of your questions clearly and thoroughly, with no charge for an initial telephone consultation. We handle:
- Wills
- Living Trusts
- Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
- Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts
- Supplemental Needs Trusts
- Probate and Administration
- Guardianship Proceedings
- Estate Litigation
In the Law Office of Lori Nevias, there is no such thing as a “boiler plate” will. Every individual has different needs and desires as to how their estate should be distributed when they pass away. Ms. Nevias will personally meet with you and take as much time as necessary to ensure that your will reflects your intentions, and will smoothly pass through probate- and for a reasonable fee.

Trusts are created for one (or both) of two reasons: to prevent the government from taking money or assets, or to ensure assets go to another person, but not all at once. These simple ideas are put into practice in a wide variety of trusts that can be overwhelming to understand and choose from. Our office will help you decide whether and which type of trust is right for you.
Probate and Administration
When a loved one passes away, the task of distributing that person’s estate can seem overwhelming. An experienced estate attorney, Ms. Nevias will obtain letters testamentary or letters of administration for you promptly, and at a reasonable fee. As part of our representation, we will correspond with creditors, draft all paperwork, make all filings in Surrogates Court, appear at any court appearances, and help prepare and file the final accounting. Lori Nevias will also counsel you, as the administrator or executor of the estate, regarding your rights and responsibilities.
“Big Messes Are My Specialty”
We’ve all heard of this scenario. An elderly person passes away. One of the adult children took on the majority of the care for this person, was perhaps living in the house, and perhaps managing their assets. The funeral has barely finished, and the accusations begin. The will left most of the estate to the caretaker child- and was changed shortly before the parent died. Or maybe there is no will. Maybe the mortgage has gone unpaid on the house, and a foreclosure is proceeding. Often the house has been left to all the children in equal shares, but the person living there will not leave. The house must be sold. Perhaps there is a trust, and a beneficiary is demanding an accounting. What a big mess. Time to go online and find a landlord-tenant attorney who is an eviction attorney, a foreclosure defense lawyer, a probate lawyer who is also a trust lawyer and handles accountings, and then a real estate attorney when the house is ready to be sold….
Or call the Law Office of Lori Nevias. Big messes are my specialty. I take on cases that other attorneys run from, screaming, and resolve them in the quickest, most cost effective way for my client, wherever possible. As a Long Island real estate lawyer who practices all over New York, who is also a New York trusts & estates attorney with over twenty years of experience, I can spot, sort out and handle what may seem like impossibly complicated cases to attorneys who are not litigation attorneys, or who only practice in one area of law.